
  • Rudolph Bauer Center for Consciousness Studies and Washington Center for Phenomenological and Existential Psychotherapy Studies.

Palabras clave:

Tantra, phenomenologyc, buddhism, dzogchen, tantric praxis, Tíbet, fenomenología, budismo, práctica tántrica


Este artículo explora la fenomenología de la conciencia como la naturaleza misma del tantra. El documento también aborda fenomenológicamente la naturaleza de la praxis tántrica. A través de estas fenomenologías se produce una convergencia de entendimiento sobre la naturaleza de la conciencia como tantra y tantra como la naturaleza misma de la conciencia humana. Gran parte del énfasis en este documento es el budismo tibetano y, esencialmente, el linaje y las tradiciones fenomenológicas de Dzogchen.

This paper explores the phenomenology of awareness as the very nature of tantra. The paper also approaches phenomenologically the nature of tantric praxis. Through these phenomenologies there is the bringing forth a convergence of understanding about nature of awareness as tantra and tantra as the very nature of human awareness. Much of the emphasis within this paper is Tibetan Buddhism and most essentially the phenomenological Dzogchen lineage and traditions.

Biografía del autor/a

Rudolph Bauer, Center for Consciousness Studies and Washington Center for Phenomenological and Existential Psychotherapy Studies.

Rudolph Bauer, Ph.D is a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, A.B.P.P. and Co-Director of The Washington Center for Consciousness Studies and Director of The Washington Center for Phenomenological and Existential Psychotherapy Studies. For a number of years He was Director of Psychology Training at The University of Maryland Medical School and also taught at Johns Hopkins University. He did post doctoral  studies in phenomenology at The Institute of Time Perspective at Leuven, Belgium. He has studied the Tantra of Kashmir Shavism with Swami Muktananda  and has studied   Dzogchen with many Tibetan Lama's including Lama Tharchen, Lama Norhla, and many others. He is an Existential Psychoanalyst in Washington,DC and is currently opening a Center for Consciousness Studies in Santa Monica, California. His website for published papers on tantra and phenomenology is The website of The Washington Center is Through video streaming he consults and leads seminars with people in many different countries.


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Cómo citar

Bauer, R. (2018). THE NATURE OF AWARENESS AS TANTRA: A PHENOMENOLOGY. Biblioteca | Repositorio (Open Access) | Escuela De Tantra En España, 3, 59-88. Recuperado a partir de